Media of Egypt

Life in Egypt

Human rights

The media of Egypt is highly influential in Egypt and in the Arab World, attributed to its large audience and increasing freedom from government control.[1][2] Freedom of the media is guaranteed in the constitution, and the government is increasingly respecting this, however many laws still remain that restrict this right.[1][3] After the Egyptian presidential election of 2005, Ahmed Selim, office director for Information Minister Anas al-Fiqi, declared the era of a "free, transparent and independent Egyptian media."[2]


History of the printing press

The printing press was first introduced to Egypt by Napoleon Bonaparte during his French Campaign in Egypt and Syria. [4] He brought with his expedition a French, Arabic, and Greek printing press, which were far superior in speed, efficiency and quality than the nearest presses used in Istanbul. In the Middle East, Africa, India and even much of Eastern Europe and Russia, printing was a minor, specialized activity until the 1700s at least. From about 1720, the Mutaferrika Press in Istanbul produced substantial amounts of printing, of which some Egyptian clerics were aware of at the time. Juan Cole reports that "Boneaparte was a master of what we would now call spin, and his genius for it is demonstrated by reports in Arabic sources that several of his more outlandish allegations were actually taken seriously in the Egyptian countryside."[5]

The press

The written press is very diverse in Egypt, with over 500 newspapers, journals and magazines available. However these are owned mostly or in some way by the government, the opposition or other political parties.[3] Several journalists from private newspapers have been arrested and jailed for breaching laws that prohibit criticism of the President, state institutions and foreign leaders, or "putting out false news harming the reputation and interests of the country".[6] However, unlike many of Egypt's regional counterparts, criticism of the government in general does take place[1], after amendments to existing press laws in 2006 which however still criminalise libel.[3]

On one occasion, an Egyptian court revoked the publishing license for Ibdaa (Creativity), a small circulation magazine for publishing a "blasphemous" poem by Egypitan poet Hilmi Salem. Speaking on the ruling, the court said that "Freedom of the press... should be used responsibly and not touch on the basic foundations of Egyptian society, and family, religion and morals."[7]


There are a mix of state broadcasters (of which there are 2) and increasingly, private broadcasters. Figures from the CIA Factbook state over 98 television channels in 1995, and 57 AM and 14 FM radio channels in 1999. Pan-Arab channels such as Al-Jazeera are also very popular among viewers, especially for news, as private broadcasters are forbidden to broadcast their own news, instead only focusing on entertainment or music.[3] The Ministry of Information controls content in the state-owned broadcast media. Egypt was the first Arab nation to have its own satellite, Nilesat 101 which allows the Egyptian TV and film industry to supply much of the Arab-speaking world with shows from its Media Production City.[1] The previously tight controls on state TV and radio gave way to even and fair coverage of all political parties involved in the Egyptian presidential election of 2005, a first for Egyptian media.[2] However in 2006 several journalists working for the Cairo branch of the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera were detained for investigating subjects such as police brutality and "harming the country's reputation".[3][6]


Egyptian radio broadcasting (as in both FM & AM bands) began to serve in Egypt in the twenties of the 20th century as locally owned radios.Then began airing radio as The Egyptian State Radio in the 31st Of May 1934 in agreement with the Marconi Company, and in 1947 the contract with the Marconi Company was then canceled and was nationalized by the Egyptian Government.

By the early 1990s, Egypt had only 4 FM stations, but the number increased to 6 by the end of the decade. In 2000, stations moving from the AM band and the introduction of private stations raised the number to 10 stations as of 2006[update].


The government has actively encouraged internet usage, quadrupling over the last few years with around 17 million regular users in 2010, around 21 percent of the population.[3] The internet is often used for political opposition, blogging and lively debate amongst the public and by the media which can publish stories that are prohibited in the print media.[6] The Egyptian government does not widely censor the internet, though the state-run Supreme Administritive Court allowed the Ministry of Information and Ministry of Communication to close down or block websites that are a "threat to national security".[3] However, several people have been detained for insulting Islam, state institutions and President Hosni Mubarak during pro-democracy protests, as well as government officials in cases of abuse by the security services.[3][6] On April 10, 2011, Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil was sentenced to three years in prison by a military court on charges of insulting the armed forces and publishing false information after he published an article on March 28 titled "The people and the army were never one hand" in which he detailed cases of abuse by the military and criticized the Supreme Council of Armed Forces for undermining the revolution.[8]


Following peace talk over the Middle East conflict at the Sharm al-Sheikh in Egypt, Al-Ahram was caught doctoring a photo that had showed US president Barack Obama in the front to show Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak walking in the lead on a red carpet ahead of Binyamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah II. Egyptian bloggers said the photo was "unprofessional" and said it an example of deception towards the people of Egyptl; others said the photo was an attempt to distract attention from Egypt's waning role in the. However, Osama Saraya, the editor-in chief, defended the decision saying "The expressionist photo is...a brief, live and true expression of the prominent stance of President Mubarak in the Palestinian issue, his unique role in leading it before Washington or any other."[9]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Country profiles: Egypt BBC
  2. ^ a b c "Plus ca Change: The Role of the Media in Egypt's First Contested Presidential Elections", TBS
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Freedom House 2007 report
  4. ^ Cole, Juan (2007). Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East. palgrave macmillian. pp. 148. 
  5. ^ Cole, Juan (2007). Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East. palgrave macmillian. pp. 148. 
  6. ^ a b c d Reporters Without Borders 2008 report
  7. ^ Egypt bans 'blasphemous' magazine, BBC News, April 8, 2009
  8. ^
  9. ^

 This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the CIA World Factbook.

External links

News agency